Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bhutto's assassination
Can there be any question in anyones mind as to who was behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto? Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, is the obvious candidate. First, he suspends Pakistan's constitution and arrests everyone in his government and the press who oppose him. Once he's made sure that he cannot be kept from being re-elected, he re-instates the constitution (with changes that make sure he will stay in power). All of this under the pretense that Pakistan is in immediate danger of radicals tied to terrorist organizations.
Now, one of the main opposition leaders who oppose him has been assassinated just before their countries, "democratic" elections are about to take place. I don't know what's sadder, the fact that Pakistan is being run by a blood-thirsty dictator, or the fact that the United States government calls him our friend and steadfast ally!
Now, one of the main opposition leaders who oppose him has been assassinated just before their countries, "democratic" elections are about to take place. I don't know what's sadder, the fact that Pakistan is being run by a blood-thirsty dictator, or the fact that the United States government calls him our friend and steadfast ally!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Child labor in China for Walmart Christmas ornaments... what!
The people of the United States need to quit imposing our morals and laws on the people of other nations. In a report on CNN, they're talking about how some Christmas ornaments available at Walmart are being made in China by kids ranging in age from 12 to 16 years. Sure, here in the U.S. there are laws (NOW) to keep children from working. It wasn't always so, just sixty-some years ago, it was common for children to work in factories and construction sites, many times doing dangerous jobs.
These children in China are providing income for their families, most of whom probably need that income badly. Who are we to tell them how to treat their children, or run their country. There are too many people in the U.S. that think we are the "moral police" for the world...we're not, and we need to realize that!
CNN Video story
The people of the United States need to quit imposing our morals and laws on the people of other nations. In a report on CNN, they're talking about how some Christmas ornaments available at Walmart are being made in China by kids ranging in age from 12 to 16 years. Sure, here in the U.S. there are laws (NOW) to keep children from working. It wasn't always so, just sixty-some years ago, it was common for children to work in factories and construction sites, many times doing dangerous jobs.
These children in China are providing income for their families, most of whom probably need that income badly. Who are we to tell them how to treat their children, or run their country. There are too many people in the U.S. that think we are the "moral police" for the world...we're not, and we need to realize that!
CNN Video story
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
This really ticks me off....
I was reading the other day on CNN about how Christmas cards being sent to wounded American soldiers that are only addressed to "a wounded American soldier", are being returned to sender, or just being destroyed. The government has defended this saying that they fear for the safety of wounded soldiers, who might receive a card with anthrax in it, or a harmful message saying something like "you're a baby-killer". They say that only cards addressed to a specific person would be allowed through.
The government doesn't seem to care if "I" get anthrax through the mail, or harmful messages because I receive anonymous letters through the mail every day. I constantly get letters addressed to "current resident". If it's all right for us to get mass mailings, why can't wounded soldiers? I think we're doing a dis-service to our wounded vets, especially at a time when they can use all the encouragement they can get from the very people they got wounded protecting!
The government doesn't seem to care if "I" get anthrax through the mail, or harmful messages because I receive anonymous letters through the mail every day. I constantly get letters addressed to "current resident". If it's all right for us to get mass mailings, why can't wounded soldiers? I think we're doing a dis-service to our wounded vets, especially at a time when they can use all the encouragement they can get from the very people they got wounded protecting!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Have fun with PUTTY FACE!
putty face
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Crisis in America
Have you noticed in the last couple of years how many crises there have been here in the U.S.? The fires in California, hurricane Katrina, flooding in the Northwest...why is the country that at one time raced around the world saving others, now so incapable of saving ourselves?
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that over the past 4 to 5 years we've spent over 400 billion dollars to wage a war in the Mid-East that we don't need, and nearly no one in this country wants. Imagine how much better this country could be prepared for disaster emergencies if we were to spend that money on improving the infra-structure of this nation. American tax dollars are being poured into other nations coffers, and the pockets of C.E.O.'s of defense contractors.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that over the past 4 to 5 years we've spent over 400 billion dollars to wage a war in the Mid-East that we don't need, and nearly no one in this country wants. Imagine how much better this country could be prepared for disaster emergencies if we were to spend that money on improving the infra-structure of this nation. American tax dollars are being poured into other nations coffers, and the pockets of C.E.O.'s of defense contractors.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Not every surprise your son gives you is bad...
I came home from work today and found my son's laptop sitting on my computer desk. Of course the first thing that I did was yell out, "why is there a laptop on my desk!?" I figured my son was downloading something to my computer for me. He came into the room and said, "didn't you read the note on the screen?"
I hadn't.
So I read it, "it's all yours, hope you enjoy it! ^-^
He gave me his laptop! Now, granted, it used to be my wifes, which we gave to my son when she got her new desktop, but I thought that was one of the nicest things he's ever done. I told him he didn't have to give it to me, but he said he didn't really use it anymore and he wanted me to have it. I'd given him my PSP a couple of weeks ago and this could have something to do with it as well, but either way, his hearts' in the right place. I've always known my son is special, sometimes he just goes out of his way to prove that, indeed, he is!
I hadn't.
So I read it, "it's all yours, hope you enjoy it! ^-^
He gave me his laptop! Now, granted, it used to be my wifes, which we gave to my son when she got her new desktop, but I thought that was one of the nicest things he's ever done. I told him he didn't have to give it to me, but he said he didn't really use it anymore and he wanted me to have it. I'd given him my PSP a couple of weeks ago and this could have something to do with it as well, but either way, his hearts' in the right place. I've always known my son is special, sometimes he just goes out of his way to prove that, indeed, he is!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Does anyone else see this?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Condoleezza Rice: Hypocrit of the Year!

I'm sorry, but she must live in a United States of America that I don't anymore. Since 9/11, any person in the U.S. wishing to protest President Bush at one of his public speaking events, have been rounded up by the Secret Service and placed two or three miles away in what they term "Free Speech Zones". Usually a parking lot of an abandoned building surrounded by a chain-link fence. The protestors are told they can have their "freedom of speech" there. The media aren't allowed to film or talk to these people, and of course all you see on TV are people waving "Support Our Troops" signs and signs showing pro-Bush slogans.
Ms. Rice is worried about Russians possibly not having the right to assembly or free speech, yet she hasn't seemed concerned for quite some time about U.S. citizens apparently no longer having those rights!
She also seems to think that the Russian government may be becoming one-sided with all the power being held by one faction of it. Damn! I guess she hasn't been hearing all the talk around this country about how the Executive branch of our government has become too powerful, overshadowing, and even bullying the other two branches of our government (the legislative and judicial branches) into getting what they want. Gee, doesn't Ms. Rice work for the Executive branch of the government? I think she does, and apparently as long as you're the one in charge, it doesn't seem so bad a thing!
I think it's time that our government, and it's representatives like Ms. Rice, start looking at what they themselves are up to and clean house here in the U.S. before worrying about what others' are doing in their own back yards!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
A Halloween treat for PSP owners

Just got into the "spirit" of the season, and thought I'd share them with any other PSP users out there. Hope you enjoy them, and feel free to share them with others!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Meet Steve Jobs, hypocrit
All these years, Steve Jobs and Apple have been telling us about the mighty Goliath, Microsoft, and how they try and monopolize the marketplace and leave consumers without any choices. Then along comes the I-phone from Apple that's supposed to revolutionize the cell phone industry. While the I-phone itself is pretty amazing, the network it's tied to, AT&T isn't. Then along comes some ingenious people who figure out how to crack the I-phone and allow it to be used on other networks.
Now Steve Jobs announces that they're going to fight I-phone users being able to use their product on other networks.
Gee, Steve, who's become Goliath now, telling consumers what they can and can't do with the product they legally purchased?
Story HERE
Now Steve Jobs announces that they're going to fight I-phone users being able to use their product on other networks.
Gee, Steve, who's become Goliath now, telling consumers what they can and can't do with the product they legally purchased?
Story HERE
Thursday, September 20, 2007
George W. Bush killed Nelson Mandela
Haha! George W. Bush today once again proved what an "ASS" he is... here's a quote from his news conference today...
"Part of the reason why there's not this instant democracy in Iraq is because people are still recovering from Saddam Hussein's brutal rule. Sort of an intersting comment, I heard somebody say, `Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas."
Sorry, George W., Nelson Mandela is alive and well!
Also, George Bush is threatening to veto a bill being pushed forward by Democrats to increase spending on Children's health insurance by $35 billion, to a total expenditure of $60 billion. He continued to say, "Members of Congress are putting poor children at risk so they can score political points in Washington," Bush said. He said that "more than a million children could lose health coverage" if the program is allowed to expire....of course what he's not saying is that without the extra $35 billion even more children will continue to go without health insurance coverage.
It's ok to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a war in Iraq that no one in this country wants, but GOD forbid we'd spend a small portion of that money on our own children!!
Complete story HERE at comcast news
"Part of the reason why there's not this instant democracy in Iraq is because people are still recovering from Saddam Hussein's brutal rule. Sort of an intersting comment, I heard somebody say, `Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas."
Sorry, George W., Nelson Mandela is alive and well!
Also, George Bush is threatening to veto a bill being pushed forward by Democrats to increase spending on Children's health insurance by $35 billion, to a total expenditure of $60 billion. He continued to say, "Members of Congress are putting poor children at risk so they can score political points in Washington," Bush said. He said that "more than a million children could lose health coverage" if the program is allowed to expire....of course what he's not saying is that without the extra $35 billion even more children will continue to go without health insurance coverage.
It's ok to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a war in Iraq that no one in this country wants, but GOD forbid we'd spend a small portion of that money on our own children!!
Complete story HERE at comcast news
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bush makes meaningless gesture...
President Bush today has announced that by next summer, he intends to cut U.S. troops in Iraq by 30,000.
This is basically a meaningless gesture since all he's really doing is recalling the "surge troops", which will just reduce the number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq to pre-surge numbers (130,000 - 140,000 troops). Good luck selling this "troop reduction" to the American public whom are becoming overwhelmingly sick and tired of U.S. involvement in the Middle-East.
Story here
This is basically a meaningless gesture since all he's really doing is recalling the "surge troops", which will just reduce the number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq to pre-surge numbers (130,000 - 140,000 troops). Good luck selling this "troop reduction" to the American public whom are becoming overwhelmingly sick and tired of U.S. involvement in the Middle-East.
Story here
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Flash Gordon on Scifi channel

Once again, Flash Gordon is being resurrected for the small screen. I'd like to say it's a great thing for science fiction on TV, but I'd be perjuring myself. The Scifi channel's incarnation of Flash has been "re-vamped" for the modern era, and it's not good news.
What we end up with is not the dashing, heroic figure out to save Earth and Dale Arden from Ming the Merciless, instead we get a slightly goofy, ex-olympic athlete whose only true interest lies in getting his father back, who may or may not be held hostage on Mongo by Ming. So far, at least, Dale Arden isn't Flash's love interest, she's his ex-girlfriend, who is engaged to a nerdy, no-nonsense cop that so far we've only seen about five minutes of. Dr. Zarchov is now a geeky under-graduate student who used to work with Flash's father, and is about as incompetent a scientist as you can be.
Don't look for any rocket ships in this show either, all transport between Mongo and Earth is accomplished via "wormholes" that are called "rifts" on the show. The special effects are under-whelming, especially considering how accessible high-end sfx is these days thanks to computers. That would be forgivable if the story plots were better, but they're not. Every episode so far has been a hackneyed compilation of plots from other, better science fiction shows of the past.
The best thing that could happen to the Scifi channel's Flash Gordon, would be to put it out of it's misery before it's forced to suffer through much more!
Friday, September 07, 2007
You can tell the9/11 anniversary is getting close....
You can tell the 9/11 anniversary is getting closer...the government is once again trotting Osama bin Laden out to shake him in front of us to scare people. Supposedly, he's releasing yet another cryptic video tape in which he'll tell us about all the nasty things al Qaeda has in store for us.
One thing I'd like to know...if our government can know ahead of time when Bin Laden will be releasing a video taped message, why can't they figure out where he's hiding and capture or kill him? After all, he supposedly is the mastermind behind 9/11, and I'd think therefore that the Bush administration would be highly interested in snagging him. It's been six years now though, and he's still walking around a free man. Sure, we've captured and killed Saddam Hussein (who's not even linked to al Qaeda), and many other supposed leaders of al Qaeda...but for some reason, the big guy himself seems to be invincible!
One thing I'd like to know...if our government can know ahead of time when Bin Laden will be releasing a video taped message, why can't they figure out where he's hiding and capture or kill him? After all, he supposedly is the mastermind behind 9/11, and I'd think therefore that the Bush administration would be highly interested in snagging him. It's been six years now though, and he's still walking around a free man. Sure, we've captured and killed Saddam Hussein (who's not even linked to al Qaeda), and many other supposed leaders of al Qaeda...but for some reason, the big guy himself seems to be invincible!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Watch out...
Bush has initiated a new step in the U.S. governments strategy to make American citizens become indentured servants.
Full story HERE
After causing conditions that would cause Americans to buy, buy, buy using risky, variable rate mortgages, then causing a huge slump in the housing market, Bush is now suggesting a move for the government to step in and "help" indebted borrowers. Effectively making them indentured servants!
What the citizens of this country really need is for the neo-conservative's trying to manipulate the economy and citizens of the United States to step down and let the chips fall where they may. The United States economy and infra-structure have become a wasteland thanks to these handful of Americans who think they have all the answers.
Full story HERE
After causing conditions that would cause Americans to buy, buy, buy using risky, variable rate mortgages, then causing a huge slump in the housing market, Bush is now suggesting a move for the government to step in and "help" indebted borrowers. Effectively making them indentured servants!
What the citizens of this country really need is for the neo-conservative's trying to manipulate the economy and citizens of the United States to step down and let the chips fall where they may. The United States economy and infra-structure have become a wasteland thanks to these handful of Americans who think they have all the answers.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Still around....
Yes, I'm still around...though I've been pretty quiet on the blogging front. I came down with a nasty batch of bronchitis, which finally drove me to the doctor who gave me a prescription for antibiotics which has finally knocked it back and I'm starting to feel like a human being again!
Every website I went to while sick kept telling me that for the symptoms I had antibiotics would do nothing to help. That doctors only prescribe them to patients to get them to shut up. Well, they're all wrong! If you start feeling sick (i.e. sore throat, runny nose, tired, coughing, body aches), just do like I did and see the doctor and get antibiotics. There's some sort of global conspiracy to make people think antibiotics no longer work, they still do.
Growing up, anytime I got sick I was given antibiotics, usually in the form of an injection, and in a couple of days I'd be feeling better. For some reason, the "establishment", doesn't want us taking them anymore. Hell! What else are we going to take. All the over-the-counter medications that used to help like Nyquil, Theraflu and many others have been rendered useless these last few years by the government forcing them to take out all the ingredients that actually helped to make you feel better. First it was whatever they had them take out that supposedly caused "bleeding of the brain" in what, maybe 1 out of a million people!? then they more recently forced manufacturers to remove the chemical that some people were using to cook produce home-made methanphetamines. Since that was taken out of OTC drugs, I haven't noticed any reduction in the number of meth labs turning up in the news!!
Every website I went to while sick kept telling me that for the symptoms I had antibiotics would do nothing to help. That doctors only prescribe them to patients to get them to shut up. Well, they're all wrong! If you start feeling sick (i.e. sore throat, runny nose, tired, coughing, body aches), just do like I did and see the doctor and get antibiotics. There's some sort of global conspiracy to make people think antibiotics no longer work, they still do.
Growing up, anytime I got sick I was given antibiotics, usually in the form of an injection, and in a couple of days I'd be feeling better. For some reason, the "establishment", doesn't want us taking them anymore. Hell! What else are we going to take. All the over-the-counter medications that used to help like Nyquil, Theraflu and many others have been rendered useless these last few years by the government forcing them to take out all the ingredients that actually helped to make you feel better. First it was whatever they had them take out that supposedly caused "bleeding of the brain" in what, maybe 1 out of a million people!? then they more recently forced manufacturers to remove the chemical that some people were using to cook produce home-made methanphetamines. Since that was taken out of OTC drugs, I haven't noticed any reduction in the number of meth labs turning up in the news!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Loss of second family member in a month
Having so recently lost Kornball, we've now suffered our second loss in a month with the death of Yoshi. She passed this morning at about 4:45 am. My wife and I were both with her, and our son came in to say good-bye as well. She passed quietly, but almost seemed to fight it as much as she could.
Yoshi and Kornball are together now, and both their ashes will be strewn into the same rose garden at the pet cemetery we chose. Yoshi will be missed, but not forgotten.
Friday, August 10, 2007
I told you so...
I told you many posts back that it would be sometime in 2007 that our government would start talking about re-instating the draft.
Story here
Story here
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A deep loss to our family....

Tonight, we lost a dear member of our family. Kornball. She was 13 years old and loved by us all.
About a week ago we came home and found her acting oddly. She was having trouble walking, she was vomiting and urinating on the floor. She was sleeping all day and would hardly eat or drink anything. The other day we took her to the vet and after they ran blood tests it was determined that she was suffering from kidney failure and liver disease. She was in too much pain, and experiencing no quality of life as she always had.
This evening, my wife and I, our son and his girlfriend took Kornball into the vets office where she was put to sleep. The procedure was quick and painless. Kornball was lying on the table very sedately, she was given the injection and within about 30 seconds and without any fuss she laid her head down as if falling asleep. About a minute later, and many tears later, the Doctor said that her heart had stopped. This was one of the hardest things for us to do, but it would have been far harder to watch "someone" that we loved so much suffer as she was for much longer. I know that right now she's once again able to jump and dash around like she did for so many years. I'm tearing up again as I type this, so I'm going to end this now.
Kornball, we loved you for so long, and we still do.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Iraqi PM says America "leave when you want to..."
I say "Fantastic!" If the legal Iraqi leader that "we" put in power says American forces can leave Iraq anytime we want to, then I say we leave! We're obviously not wanted there, I don't want us to be there, and most Americans don't want to be there.
What more is there for Bush to get the hint that it's time to abandon the ship, a ship that never really had a Captain at the wheel and never really had a course set for it.
Read the whole STORY at CNN
What more is there for Bush to get the hint that it's time to abandon the ship, a ship that never really had a Captain at the wheel and never really had a course set for it.
Read the whole STORY at CNN
Sunday, July 08, 2007
It makes you wonder....
It makes you wonder what good we could possibly be doing in Iraq, when you hear things like this. After a particularly deadly weekend in Iraq, this statement was made to the people of Iraq by their government:
...Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives...
Yes, but who are they to defend themselves against with those weapons? Fellow Iraqi's who are fighting to get America out of Iraq? Fellow Iraqi's who are killing each other based on their religious affiliation? Or Americans?
And how are American soldiers to know which Iraqi's walking around with AK-47's are on our side...if any Iraqi's are on our side at all any more. U.S. servicemen already are finding it next to impossible to know who is fighting on whose side anymore.
It's high time we got our butt's out of Iraq and Afghanistan as well. We've created enough devestation and new enemies to last our children's children through their lifetimes. The death-toll for Americans in Iraq has now reached 3600+. Do any more young men and women need to die so a select few people can get filthy rich off this war?
...Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives...
Yes, but who are they to defend themselves against with those weapons? Fellow Iraqi's who are fighting to get America out of Iraq? Fellow Iraqi's who are killing each other based on their religious affiliation? Or Americans?
And how are American soldiers to know which Iraqi's walking around with AK-47's are on our side...if any Iraqi's are on our side at all any more. U.S. servicemen already are finding it next to impossible to know who is fighting on whose side anymore.
It's high time we got our butt's out of Iraq and Afghanistan as well. We've created enough devestation and new enemies to last our children's children through their lifetimes. The death-toll for Americans in Iraq has now reached 3600+. Do any more young men and women need to die so a select few people can get filthy rich off this war?
Friday, July 06, 2007
Has Apple shot itself in the foot with it's I-phone?
Apparently, that cool new I-phone that so many people have bought up in record numbers has an ugly achille's heel that no one knew about!
The battery for the phone is 'soldered' into the unit. If your battery goes bad, unlike most cell phones, you won't be able to just go out and buy a replacement one. You'll have to send your I-phone back to Apple so they can put a battery in for you, and get's going to cost you $79 and an additional $6.95 for shipping and handling. Also, it will take 3 business days before you get the phone back! But wait, don't worry, while you don't have your phone, Apple will 'give' you a loaner I-phone for only $29!
Do those numbers make your cool new phone that cost you $499 - $599 seem like a good deal. Not to mention the $60 a month service fee. It figures that something that's supposed to revoluntionize the cell phone industry would have some sort of shady gimmick designed to suck more money out of it's consumers. I can't tell you how happy I am that I can't afford an I-phone. I'll just stick with my little pre-paid T-mobile phone, thank you very much Mr. Jobs!
The battery for the phone is 'soldered' into the unit. If your battery goes bad, unlike most cell phones, you won't be able to just go out and buy a replacement one. You'll have to send your I-phone back to Apple so they can put a battery in for you, and get's going to cost you $79 and an additional $6.95 for shipping and handling. Also, it will take 3 business days before you get the phone back! But wait, don't worry, while you don't have your phone, Apple will 'give' you a loaner I-phone for only $29!
Do those numbers make your cool new phone that cost you $499 - $599 seem like a good deal. Not to mention the $60 a month service fee. It figures that something that's supposed to revoluntionize the cell phone industry would have some sort of shady gimmick designed to suck more money out of it's consumers. I can't tell you how happy I am that I can't afford an I-phone. I'll just stick with my little pre-paid T-mobile phone, thank you very much Mr. Jobs!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Bush commutes Libby's prison sentance
Well, who didn't see this one coming. President Bush has commuted the prison sentence for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was found guilty of obstruction of justice in the CIA leak case, and was to sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison.
Once again, Bush shows how little regard he has for the legal system in the United States. I guess we should all care so little about justice.
Maybe the next time Paris Hilton goes to jail, Bush will commute her sentence as well!
Once again, Bush shows how little regard he has for the legal system in the United States. I guess we should all care so little about justice.
Maybe the next time Paris Hilton goes to jail, Bush will commute her sentence as well!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
The face of tomorrow's terrorist...

That sounds about right doesn't it. I mean as long as we killed 62 insurgents, it's all right to kill 45 innocent civilians, isn't it? I mean, here in America, the police are allowed to just shoot indiscriminately into a crowd of people hoping that they'll kill a person suspected of committing a crime, aren't they? That seems to be the way our military is handling rooting out terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq. As long as you kill more of the "bad guys", than civilians then you must be doing something right. Maybe this little guy in the picture here won't grow up hating America for what we're doing in his country. Maybe he'll see all the good that George W. Bush and our military forces are doing there. Maybe he won't strap a bomb to his back and run into a crowded intersection screaming at the top of his lungs that, "this is for killing my family, you blood-sucking Americans!"
Maybe we've done enough harm around the world to get our "payback" after 9/11?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Yippe ki yay Mother F**ker!
I just got back from seeing DieHard 4: Live free or die hard
This is hands down the best action movie of the year, and probably the best Diehard film to date! Bruce Willis isn't getting old, he's getting tougher, like a good steak. This movie starts out fast and accelerates like car out of control (and that's a good thing)! The bad guys are bad, and Bruce Willis cracks wise left and right.
Justin Long as Matthew Ferrell, a computer hacker turned reluctant hero makes a great sidekick for Willis. as they try to save John Mclaine's daughter, Lucy, played by Mary Elizebeth Winstead. The action is fast and intense and doesn't let up for a second, well, maybe a couple of seconds here and there to propel the story forward, but even then it's fun!
This is hands down the best action movie of the year, and probably the best Diehard film to date! Bruce Willis isn't getting old, he's getting tougher, like a good steak. This movie starts out fast and accelerates like car out of control (and that's a good thing)! The bad guys are bad, and Bruce Willis cracks wise left and right.
Justin Long as Matthew Ferrell, a computer hacker turned reluctant hero makes a great sidekick for Willis. as they try to save John Mclaine's daughter, Lucy, played by Mary Elizebeth Winstead. The action is fast and intense and doesn't let up for a second, well, maybe a couple of seconds here and there to propel the story forward, but even then it's fun!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
HA! It is to laugh...
Well, it's official, the world has gotten completely STUPID over global warming! The mayor of San Francisco, California has banned bottled water in all city departments (except where potable water is not in existence)
Apparently Mayor Gavin Newsom believes that using city tapwater instead of bottled water will reduce global warming due to the fewer plastic bottles going into landfills and water not having to be transported by truck. Uh, get a life Mayor Newsom! There are a lot better ways that you could conserve than by banning bottled water in city departments.
Have you tasted what city water usually tastes like in your average water fountain these days? It tastes horrible! If the water itself hasn't been ruined by the chemicals they put in it at the treatment plants, the rusty corroded pipes that transport it does the job! Most water fountains make the water taste of rust, and it's usually way too warm. If the water fountain is making the water nice and cool, guess what that means Mayor Newsom! It means that water fountain contains a cooling system which is operated through the use of refrigerants that are more harmful to our atmosphere than the trucks used to transport bottled water!!
Do I smell a Mayor who got pissed when he didn't get his kick-back money from the bottled water guy?
Story here
Apparently Mayor Gavin Newsom believes that using city tapwater instead of bottled water will reduce global warming due to the fewer plastic bottles going into landfills and water not having to be transported by truck. Uh, get a life Mayor Newsom! There are a lot better ways that you could conserve than by banning bottled water in city departments.
Have you tasted what city water usually tastes like in your average water fountain these days? It tastes horrible! If the water itself hasn't been ruined by the chemicals they put in it at the treatment plants, the rusty corroded pipes that transport it does the job! Most water fountains make the water taste of rust, and it's usually way too warm. If the water fountain is making the water nice and cool, guess what that means Mayor Newsom! It means that water fountain contains a cooling system which is operated through the use of refrigerants that are more harmful to our atmosphere than the trucks used to transport bottled water!!
Do I smell a Mayor who got pissed when he didn't get his kick-back money from the bottled water guy?
Story here
Friday, June 15, 2007
High gas prices...are Big Oil & the Government really the bad guys?
You know, I was thinking the other day, that maybe the Big Oil Companies and the Government aren't really the bad guys as we've mostly made them out to be when it comes to high gas prices.
Now it hurts me to admit this, I think anyone who has ever visited my blog or knows me, knows that I'm a bit one-sided when it comes to this issue, and I'm certainly no big fan of the government. However, it occurred to me the other day as I filled my tank up at the price of $2.99 a gallon, where would we be today if we were paying $1.25 a gallon for gasoline as we were seven or eight years ago? Would we be buying hybrid cars, would we be discussing on a national level about alternative fuel sources and eco-friendly alternatives for power? I doubt we would be. We'd be driving our gas-guzzling SUV's and pick-up trucks without thinking about the money we're plopping down for the gas to run them. We wouldn't be looking for ways to wean ourselves off of our dependence on petroleum.
Now, if the Big Oil Companies were really in total control of the price of gasoline, and wanted to keep us dependent on them...wouldn't it behoove them to keep the price of gasoline low, so that we'd not be looking into other forms of fuel? I think it's going to take even higher prices for gasoline before the people of this country decide to take alternative fuels and eco-friendly vehicles seriously. A sustained price of $5.oo a gallon for gasoline is probably the minimum it would take to keep us on track to finding alternatives for petroleum. Let's face it, the minute gasoline drops a few cents, most people rush out to fill up their tanks and immediately take off on a trip or start driving around for no purpose other than feeling like they can.
If anything, the Big Oil Companies and the U.S. Government are helping to encourage the U.S. population to want these new alternative fuel sources and alternative vehicles. Because let's face it, if gasoline were to drop back to $1.25 a gallon, it wouldn't take two years for hybrid cars to go the way of the dinosaur, and alternative fuel sources like bio-diesel would become nothing more than a foot-note in the annals of history.
Now it hurts me to admit this, I think anyone who has ever visited my blog or knows me, knows that I'm a bit one-sided when it comes to this issue, and I'm certainly no big fan of the government. However, it occurred to me the other day as I filled my tank up at the price of $2.99 a gallon, where would we be today if we were paying $1.25 a gallon for gasoline as we were seven or eight years ago? Would we be buying hybrid cars, would we be discussing on a national level about alternative fuel sources and eco-friendly alternatives for power? I doubt we would be. We'd be driving our gas-guzzling SUV's and pick-up trucks without thinking about the money we're plopping down for the gas to run them. We wouldn't be looking for ways to wean ourselves off of our dependence on petroleum.
Now, if the Big Oil Companies were really in total control of the price of gasoline, and wanted to keep us dependent on them...wouldn't it behoove them to keep the price of gasoline low, so that we'd not be looking into other forms of fuel? I think it's going to take even higher prices for gasoline before the people of this country decide to take alternative fuels and eco-friendly vehicles seriously. A sustained price of $5.oo a gallon for gasoline is probably the minimum it would take to keep us on track to finding alternatives for petroleum. Let's face it, the minute gasoline drops a few cents, most people rush out to fill up their tanks and immediately take off on a trip or start driving around for no purpose other than feeling like they can.
If anything, the Big Oil Companies and the U.S. Government are helping to encourage the U.S. population to want these new alternative fuel sources and alternative vehicles. Because let's face it, if gasoline were to drop back to $1.25 a gallon, it wouldn't take two years for hybrid cars to go the way of the dinosaur, and alternative fuel sources like bio-diesel would become nothing more than a foot-note in the annals of history.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Terrorist's aren't enough, Bush wants "cold war"
President Bush isn't satisfied with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now he'd like to ressurect the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. Bush isn't concerned with Russia's very verbal concern over his plan for a "missle defense shield" to be put in place in European countries.
Russia's leader, Vladamir Puttin, has stated that they will be forced to point nuclear missles at Europe in response to this missle defense shield.
We've spent years taking missles out of Europe, trying to reduce nuclear tension, and make the world a safer, saner place. Now it looks like all those years of work will be for nothing as every nuclear country will feel it necessary to step up their "defensive" capabilities.
I'm sure Mr. Bush doesn't see this as too much of a problem, after all, how much time does he really spend in Europe?
Story here
Russia's leader, Vladamir Puttin, has stated that they will be forced to point nuclear missles at Europe in response to this missle defense shield.
We've spent years taking missles out of Europe, trying to reduce nuclear tension, and make the world a safer, saner place. Now it looks like all those years of work will be for nothing as every nuclear country will feel it necessary to step up their "defensive" capabilities.
I'm sure Mr. Bush doesn't see this as too much of a problem, after all, how much time does he really spend in Europe?
Story here
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
No free speech even for Vets fighting for Democracy!
Apparently, even veterans who have fought in Iraq for "Deomocracy" have no real rights to free speech! Read here about Marine Cpl. Adam Kokesh, who is being penalized for practicing his right to free speech. The man has spent his time in Iraq fighting a war for our government that more and more people realize is nothing but a way for a few people to get rich, and when he gets home after being honorably discharged, he is punished for trying to help stop the war!
My GOD! When is everyone in this country going to wake up and realize who the real dictator is here! George W. Bush, and the cronies he's placed in places of power in our government. No wonder the U.S. is held up to ridicule everywhere in the world these days. It's our shame that we're taking so long to rectify the mistakes that were made immediately following 9/11.
My GOD! When is everyone in this country going to wake up and realize who the real dictator is here! George W. Bush, and the cronies he's placed in places of power in our government. No wonder the U.S. is held up to ridicule everywhere in the world these days. It's our shame that we're taking so long to rectify the mistakes that were made immediately following 9/11.
Friday, June 01, 2007
TB patient bypasses border security....
If a personal injury lawyer can so easily bypass our countries border security, how can the Bush administration claim that we are protected from terrorists entering the country?
Read here how this lawyer flew not twice, but seven times and managed to get back into the U.S. even though his passport had been flagged that he was not to be allowed to cross back into the country, and that he was a public health threat.
Read here how this lawyer flew not twice, but seven times and managed to get back into the U.S. even though his passport had been flagged that he was not to be allowed to cross back into the country, and that he was a public health threat.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Flying the flag at half-mast...
It's always been a tradition to fly the American flag at half-mast on certain days of the year, including for sad events like the death of a National leader, or a tragic event.
I think though that since September 11, 2001...this tradition has been perverted from what it was originally intended. I think that since 9/11, the flag has been flown at half-mast more times than it probably had my entire life leading up to 9/11.
Across from where I work, there is flying one of the largest U.S. flags in the nation. Sometimes it seems like every other day, it's flying at half-mast. It usually takes half a day or more to find out "why" it's flying at half-mast. It's been flown at half-mast for airliner crashes, school shootings, the death of a former Governor...and countless other reasons. The problem is, when you start flying the flag at half-mast for just about every tragedy under the sun, it begins to mean very little. Lately, I've begun to wonder why they don't just leave the American flag at seems to spend more time there than flying proudly like it's supposed to. Of course with the President that we presently have, the Senators and House Representatives that we've recently elected into power, maybe the flag should be flown at half-mast all the time!
I think though that since September 11, 2001...this tradition has been perverted from what it was originally intended. I think that since 9/11, the flag has been flown at half-mast more times than it probably had my entire life leading up to 9/11.
Across from where I work, there is flying one of the largest U.S. flags in the nation. Sometimes it seems like every other day, it's flying at half-mast. It usually takes half a day or more to find out "why" it's flying at half-mast. It's been flown at half-mast for airliner crashes, school shootings, the death of a former Governor...and countless other reasons. The problem is, when you start flying the flag at half-mast for just about every tragedy under the sun, it begins to mean very little. Lately, I've begun to wonder why they don't just leave the American flag at seems to spend more time there than flying proudly like it's supposed to. Of course with the President that we presently have, the Senators and House Representatives that we've recently elected into power, maybe the flag should be flown at half-mast all the time!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thanks Blogger!
Just wanted to send out a big thank you to Blogger, for finally allowing us bloggers the ability to have our own custom made header! :)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
See if YOU can make any sense of this...
On Comcast news, an associated press reporter interviews several people with the U.S. army in Iraq. They state in the articles title and at least once in the article itself that they believe that at least 2 of the 3 U.S. soldiers who were recently kidnapped are still alive. Then at least twice in the same article they state that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that any of the missing U.S. soldiers are alive. ??
Do we have any idea what-so-ever what we are doing over in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't really think so.
Story here
Do we have any idea what-so-ever what we are doing over in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't really think so.
Story here
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Aahh! You can tell it's May...
Can you tell it's the month of May? Have you noticed how television talk and news shows have dug up all the nasty dirt they can...all the sex scandals, murders, and gossip, all in the name of higher ratings during May sweeps.
Unfortunately the viewing public just encourages it by soaking all of it up and being good little sheep who tune in to see what sort of juicy nastiness their neighbors are up to. I think we'd be doing a public service if we just boycotted shows like this during the May sweeps. Maybe then they'd stop pushing this kind of crap on us!
Unfortunately the viewing public just encourages it by soaking all of it up and being good little sheep who tune in to see what sort of juicy nastiness their neighbors are up to. I think we'd be doing a public service if we just boycotted shows like this during the May sweeps. Maybe then they'd stop pushing this kind of crap on us!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
CBS cancels Jericho!
Frankly, I'm sick and tired of Network television. Everytime I find a show I like, and become a dedicated viewer, it gets pulled because it's not a blockbuster mega-hit! Jericho had great ratings, but just because it wasn't the no. 1 show on TV it get unceremoniously canceled.
They did the same thing to me last year when I watched Invasion. I think from now on I'm not watching anymore Network TV programming. The dipshits at ABC, CBS & NBC can kiss my ass!
They did the same thing to me last year when I watched Invasion. I think from now on I'm not watching anymore Network TV programming. The dipshits at ABC, CBS & NBC can kiss my ass!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
New wallpaper I want to share
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I say NO concessions
Well, Bush vetoed the bill that would have set a mandated withdrawal date from Iraq, and the House challenge to that veto failed.
I say NO concessions...if we don't pass legislation appointing money to fund the war...then we get what we want...U.S. forces have to come home. Bush can't keep troops in Iraq if they have no money to pay for it.
Does my opinion on this sound brutal? Yes it does...but then hard-working Americans dying in Iraq for no damn good reason is brutal as well!
I say NO concessions...if we don't pass legislation appointing money to fund the war...then we get what we want...U.S. forces have to come home. Bush can't keep troops in Iraq if they have no money to pay for it.
Does my opinion on this sound brutal? Yes it does...but then hard-working Americans dying in Iraq for no damn good reason is brutal as well!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The U.S. military has announced the deaths of 9 more American soldiers in Iraq, bringing the total of Americans killed since the beginning of the Iraq war to 3,346.
Story here
Story here
Friday, April 27, 2007
My new toy!

It's great! I got it from, a great online shopping place for anything electronic! My wonderful wife bought me a 2gb memory stick duo card for it, and I picked up Madden NFL 07 just the other day. Now I can play my Colt's anytime, anywhere I want to. :D
Of course, not everything has been coming up roses the last few days. I decided just the other day that our refrigerator is on it's last leg. It's barely keeping stuff in the freezer frozen, and the fridge section is barely cool anymore. I just bought a replacement fridge from Bestbuy, but it won't be delivered for about another three weeks! So hopefully our fridge lasts that long, if not, I guess I'll be buying lots of ice from the supermarket and using styrofoam coolers until the new fridge gets here. I can't complain though, as the fridge we have now has lasted almost 17 years!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
U.S. building walls, instead of tearing them down!
With very little fanfare, and no input from the people being "boxed in", the United States military have begun boxing in a sunni neighborhood "for their safety".
Story here at CNN
How would you like it if the military suddenly began building a wall around your neighborhood, complete with gates and security check-points. Would you feel safe, or would you feel like you're being locked up in a make-shift prison?
I for one would feel like a prisoner in my own home. Segregated from the rest of my supposedly "democratic" country because of my religious affiliation. Singled out because my faith was different than that of others who are more in favor with the ruling party...Gee! Wasn't that what we went into Iraq to stop in the first place?! Looks like things in Iraq have come full circle and are now right back where they started, it's just someone else in charge now, and someone new being supressed.
Story here at CNN
How would you like it if the military suddenly began building a wall around your neighborhood, complete with gates and security check-points. Would you feel safe, or would you feel like you're being locked up in a make-shift prison?
I for one would feel like a prisoner in my own home. Segregated from the rest of my supposedly "democratic" country because of my religious affiliation. Singled out because my faith was different than that of others who are more in favor with the ruling party...Gee! Wasn't that what we went into Iraq to stop in the first place?! Looks like things in Iraq have come full circle and are now right back where they started, it's just someone else in charge now, and someone new being supressed.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Green zone not so green....
Although the green zone in Baghdad is only 4 square miles, and the most heavily defended area in Iraq...terrorists have managed to smuggle in a suicide bomber into the cafeteria of the Iraqi parliment. Story here
How can we ( the U.S. ) be making forward strides in Iraq when we can't even deter attacks inside the most heavily guarded and fortified area of the country?
How can we ( the U.S. ) be making forward strides in Iraq when we can't even deter attacks inside the most heavily guarded and fortified area of the country?
Friday, April 06, 2007
Alzheimer's ??
It would seem that our vice-president must be suffering from alzheimer's...or perhaps he's just suffering from "repeated propaganda syndrome"!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Isn't it wonderful...

that we've installed democracy in Iraq, so that people can be hung left and right, out with the old dictatorship, in with the new!
Story here
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Yes, he has the gall...
Remember a few months ago when President Bush announced that he would be sending an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq? Remember what a big stink the Democrats made about it and promised that they'd do something to stop it.
Well, President Bush is not only in the process of still sending out those 21,500 troops to Iraq with nothing more than a token resistance by Democrats, now he's announced that he's sending an additional 4,700 troops to Iraq to "support" the other troops!
I figure in a couple more months he'll announce that he'll be sending a few thousand more troops to "support" the "supporting" troops! I don't know if I'm more pissed with Bush for what he's doing, or the Democrats for what they're NOT doing.
The complete story here.
Well, President Bush is not only in the process of still sending out those 21,500 troops to Iraq with nothing more than a token resistance by Democrats, now he's announced that he's sending an additional 4,700 troops to Iraq to "support" the other troops!
I figure in a couple more months he'll announce that he'll be sending a few thousand more troops to "support" the "supporting" troops! I don't know if I'm more pissed with Bush for what he's doing, or the Democrats for what they're NOT doing.
The complete story here.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Where would you like your tax dollars to be spent?
According to CNN today, Rep Peter King, R-New York, the ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee is finding fault with the bill passed January 9th enacting the 9/11 commission recommendations which will reportedly cost around $21 billion over five years.
He says that it is ridiculous to spend that kind of money, and that if the legislation hadn't been rushed through by Democrats during their "first 100 hours", it never would have passed. Yet on the same day, George Bush announced that he'll be proposing his budget for the war in Iraq which will cost American taxpayers $250 billion for the next year and a half!
Where would you rather see your tax dollars being spent? Iraq, or here in the United States, making our borders and ports safer? We've already spent $400 billion + in Iraq and now our President wants to spend another $250 billion. Yet this idiot Republican Peter King is having a cow at spending $21 billion dollars within the borders of our own country! Get a grip on reality Mr. King! We need to stop spending money we don't have in Iraq, and spend it on our own country. Let the Iraqi's take care of their own!
He says that it is ridiculous to spend that kind of money, and that if the legislation hadn't been rushed through by Democrats during their "first 100 hours", it never would have passed. Yet on the same day, George Bush announced that he'll be proposing his budget for the war in Iraq which will cost American taxpayers $250 billion for the next year and a half!
Where would you rather see your tax dollars being spent? Iraq, or here in the United States, making our borders and ports safer? We've already spent $400 billion + in Iraq and now our President wants to spend another $250 billion. Yet this idiot Republican Peter King is having a cow at spending $21 billion dollars within the borders of our own country! Get a grip on reality Mr. King! We need to stop spending money we don't have in Iraq, and spend it on our own country. Let the Iraqi's take care of their own!
Poking fun at Boston
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
America: Land of the panicky children
Has everyone heard about the "bomb scare" in Boston today?
Battery LED signs advertising for "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" on Adult Swim were mistakenly thought to be bombs. These were small signs showing an alien figure giving people "the finger!" Are we that scared in this country, that everytime we see a device made with wires and batteries that we're going to automatically assume it's a bomb?
Thanks to President Bush and his administration trying to brow-beat Americans into being scared silly that terrorists are around every corner, we've become a laughing-stock. Would a terrorist really be stupid enough to make a bomb that looked so strange and out of the ordinary? Or would a terrorist design a bomb that would look like something that no one would look at twice? I think it would be the second option. People in this country need to get their heads out of their collective asses and start remembering what it's like to live without looking over their shoulder every five minutes thinking they're about to be killed.
Battery LED signs advertising for "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" on Adult Swim were mistakenly thought to be bombs. These were small signs showing an alien figure giving people "the finger!" Are we that scared in this country, that everytime we see a device made with wires and batteries that we're going to automatically assume it's a bomb?
Thanks to President Bush and his administration trying to brow-beat Americans into being scared silly that terrorists are around every corner, we've become a laughing-stock. Would a terrorist really be stupid enough to make a bomb that looked so strange and out of the ordinary? Or would a terrorist design a bomb that would look like something that no one would look at twice? I think it would be the second option. People in this country need to get their heads out of their collective asses and start remembering what it's like to live without looking over their shoulder every five minutes thinking they're about to be killed.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
State of the Union
Tonight will be Bush's sixth State of the Union address, and expect more of the same...
...more lies about how our economy is strengthening...
...more lies about how increasing troops in Iraq will strengthen democracy there...
...more lies about how making health insurance taxable will help lower income Americans...
...more lies, lies, lies, lies etc...
Bush's administration has been based on nothing but lies, and that's all we can expect from him. So don't think having a Democratically controlled Congress and Senate makes any difference. Bush doesn't care what they think or do, anymore than he cares about what 63% of Americans think of his polocies. It doesn't matter what the "majority" of this country wants...he's only going to do whatever it takes to insure his legacy...whatever the HELL that is!!
...more lies about how our economy is strengthening...
...more lies about how increasing troops in Iraq will strengthen democracy there...
...more lies about how making health insurance taxable will help lower income Americans...
...more lies, lies, lies, lies etc...
Bush's administration has been based on nothing but lies, and that's all we can expect from him. So don't think having a Democratically controlled Congress and Senate makes any difference. Bush doesn't care what they think or do, anymore than he cares about what 63% of Americans think of his polocies. It doesn't matter what the "majority" of this country wants...he's only going to do whatever it takes to insure his legacy...whatever the HELL that is!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
It has just been announced that George R. R. Martin, author of the fantasy series "A song of Ice & Fire" has signed a deal with HBO to bring his acclaimed series of books to life as a dramatic series!
Each book in the series will be broken down into individual episodes that will make up an entire season. The first season will be based on the first book, "A game of thrones."
Television will once again have meaning!!!
Each book in the series will be broken down into individual episodes that will make up an entire season. The first season will be based on the first book, "A game of thrones."
Television will once again have meaning!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
President Bush's "new strategy", AGAIN!
Tonight, President Bush will address the nation on his "new strategy" for the war in Iraq. Of course the gist of what he's going to say has already been know for quite some time. 20,000 more boys and girls from the U.S. being put on the line to die.
Of course, our brave Democrats that we put into office late last year are putting together a "non-binding resolution" saying that they oppose a surge in U.S. troops in Iraq. What they're actually saying is, "We don't like what you're doing, but we're not going to stop you." What cowards...step up to the plate and tell the President "NO, no more troops going into Iraq!" If 140,000 troops, with the most advanced weapons available to wage war with can't stop the violence in Iraq, what good are 20,000 more troops going to do? None!
The problem is, it's OUR presence in Iraq that's causing 90% of the violence that's going on. Because we've put the minority religious sect in charge of the country. Watch over the next few months as the violence in Iraq continues to increase, and our casualties continue to increase as well.
President Bush says that, "leaving Iraq in defeat is not an option." What he's actually saying is, "leaving Iraq in defeat under MY administration is not an option." Here's what's going to happen. Bush is going to drag this war on throughout the rest of his tenure as President, leaving a huge mess for whoever follows him to clean up. When THAT President pulls U.S. troops out of Iraq, Bush will point his finger at THAT administration and say "look, they've bungled the war in Iraq, and humiliated the U.S.!" Don't think we're all blind Mr. President! You just think if we're still embroiled in Iraq when you leave office, that no one can say YOU lost the war! Well, we see you for what you are, and we are ashamed!
Anyone can start a war...It takes a man of character and courage to end a war.
Mr. Bush, that is not you...
Of course, our brave Democrats that we put into office late last year are putting together a "non-binding resolution" saying that they oppose a surge in U.S. troops in Iraq. What they're actually saying is, "We don't like what you're doing, but we're not going to stop you." What cowards...step up to the plate and tell the President "NO, no more troops going into Iraq!" If 140,000 troops, with the most advanced weapons available to wage war with can't stop the violence in Iraq, what good are 20,000 more troops going to do? None!
The problem is, it's OUR presence in Iraq that's causing 90% of the violence that's going on. Because we've put the minority religious sect in charge of the country. Watch over the next few months as the violence in Iraq continues to increase, and our casualties continue to increase as well.
President Bush says that, "leaving Iraq in defeat is not an option." What he's actually saying is, "leaving Iraq in defeat under MY administration is not an option." Here's what's going to happen. Bush is going to drag this war on throughout the rest of his tenure as President, leaving a huge mess for whoever follows him to clean up. When THAT President pulls U.S. troops out of Iraq, Bush will point his finger at THAT administration and say "look, they've bungled the war in Iraq, and humiliated the U.S.!" Don't think we're all blind Mr. President! You just think if we're still embroiled in Iraq when you leave office, that no one can say YOU lost the war! Well, we see you for what you are, and we are ashamed!
Anyone can start a war...It takes a man of character and courage to end a war.
Mr. Bush, that is not you...
Saturday, January 06, 2007
A conversation with myself today...
Today, I wasn't feeling right, and was doodling on some paper while at work. I started writing down what I was thinking and wound up having a conversation with myself (as crazy as that sounds). Here it is from beginning to end;
I am unhappy...
I love my wife.
I love my son.
I have a good home.
Why am I unhappy?
I tolerate my job.
I tolerate my co-workers.
I tolerate my place in life.
What is my place in life?
I don't know...
I hate that I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life!
I hate that everything I seem to do seems to be for nothing!
I hate that time keeps passing regardless of the fact that I seem to only spin my wheels!
I'm depressed...
Because life has no meaning.
What does life mean to me?
Work to make money...
Spend money to have home, food and some extras.
Is this enough?
If no, where do I find more meaning to life?
Community involvement?
Probably not...
Use a talent maybe?
Writing, drawing, computer modeling...
I want people to see the visions in my head!!!!! (as scary as that is)
Work on self-improvement in all these areas so I can get my message and vision out there. That's why I started I just need my own original content out there!
Self-improvement = Happiness
Sometimes I think it just helps to write your own thoughts down, even a conversation with yourself, it gives you a chance to really look deep inside and get more focus on what's going on inside.
Peace out!
I am unhappy...
I love my wife.
I love my son.
I have a good home.
Why am I unhappy?
I tolerate my job.
I tolerate my co-workers.
I tolerate my place in life.
What is my place in life?
I don't know...
I hate that I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life!
I hate that everything I seem to do seems to be for nothing!
I hate that time keeps passing regardless of the fact that I seem to only spin my wheels!
I'm depressed...
Because life has no meaning.
What does life mean to me?
Work to make money...
Spend money to have home, food and some extras.
Is this enough?
If no, where do I find more meaning to life?
Community involvement?
Probably not...
Use a talent maybe?
Writing, drawing, computer modeling...
I want people to see the visions in my head!!!!! (as scary as that is)
Work on self-improvement in all these areas so I can get my message and vision out there. That's why I started I just need my own original content out there!
Self-improvement = Happiness
Sometimes I think it just helps to write your own thoughts down, even a conversation with yourself, it gives you a chance to really look deep inside and get more focus on what's going on inside.
Peace out!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Mail tampering
In case you're not aware of it...recently, George Bush signed into law that the U.S. government now has the right to warrantless searches of any U.S. citizens first class mail! The government would now have the right to open and read anything you send through the mail without having a reason, or obtaining a warrant. All on the pretext of protecting this country against terrorists.
Now I ask the question, how is opening a letter from John Q. Public to his mother across the country going to protect us from terrorists? This is a blatant invasion of privacy that the citizens of this country need to address immediately. Write or call your congressman today and demand that action be taken to stop this incursion of our civil liberties.
Now I ask the question, how is opening a letter from John Q. Public to his mother across the country going to protect us from terrorists? This is a blatant invasion of privacy that the citizens of this country need to address immediately. Write or call your congressman today and demand that action be taken to stop this incursion of our civil liberties.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
A gift for the new year
Here's a gift for the new year. One of my "resolutions" has been to try and goad my creativity back into life. I sat down tonight and created this original wallpaper. So put it up on your computer and maybe I'll make you smile today!
Hound-dog wallpaper
Hound-dog wallpaper
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