Sunday, July 08, 2007

It makes you wonder....

It makes you wonder what good we could possibly be doing in Iraq, when you hear things like this. After a particularly deadly weekend in Iraq, this statement was made to the people of Iraq by their government:

...Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives...

Yes, but who are they to defend themselves against with those weapons? Fellow Iraqi's who are fighting to get America out of Iraq? Fellow Iraqi's who are killing each other based on their religious affiliation? Or Americans?

And how are American soldiers to know which Iraqi's walking around with AK-47's are on our side...if any Iraqi's are on our side at all any more. U.S. servicemen already are finding it next to impossible to know who is fighting on whose side anymore.

It's high time we got our butt's out of Iraq and Afghanistan as well. We've created enough devestation and new enemies to last our children's children through their lifetimes. The death-toll for Americans in Iraq has now reached 3600+. Do any more young men and women need to die so a select few people can get filthy rich off this war?

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