Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The History of Denial About Mars

  • Pre-1970's  -  There could be life on the planet Mars,
  • Viking Landers  -  Mars is a dead, lifeless planet...let's forget about it!
  • 1980's  -  There could be frozen water at Mars' poles, or it could be frozen carbon dioxide.
  • 1990's  -  Maybe there's frozen water at the Martian poles.
  • 2000's  -  There may have been liquid water on Mars millions of years ago, but it's long since dried up and the planet is still dead
  • 2010's  -  There is liquid flowing water on Mars, but it's really salty and it's doubtful it supports any life.
When will the government stop the cover-up and admit that there's life and a breathable atmosphere on Mars?