Tonight, we lost a dear member of our family. Kornball. She was 13 years old and loved by us all.
About a week ago we came home and found her acting oddly. She was having trouble walking, she was vomiting and urinating on the floor. She was sleeping all day and would hardly eat or drink anything. The other day we took her to the vet and after they ran blood tests it was determined that she was suffering from kidney failure and liver disease. She was in too much pain, and experiencing no quality of life as she always had.
This evening, my wife and I, our son and his girlfriend took Kornball into the vets office where she was put to sleep. The procedure was quick and painless. Kornball was lying on the table very sedately, she was given the injection and within about 30 seconds and without any fuss she laid her head down as if falling asleep. About a minute later, and many tears later, the Doctor said that her heart had stopped. This was one of the hardest things for us to do, but it would have been far harder to watch "someone" that we loved so much suffer as she was for much longer. I know that right now she's once again able to jump and dash around like she did for so many years. I'm tearing up again as I type this, so I'm going to end this now.
Kornball, we loved you for so long, and we still do.
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