Friday, January 18, 2013

Worker's Income Shrinking

     It's sad, as worker's paychecks in this country just got substantially smaller, none of the major news outlets thinks this is something that should be discussed. Looking over the major media outlets this morning showed a crop of stories about Lance Armstrong admitting to drug use, problems in foreign countries like England's Algeria hostage crisis and Serena Williams hitting herself in the face...yes, these and other stories are so much more important to the American public than why they are getting paid less now to do the same job they were doing last month...that is if they're lucky enough to have a job!

     The corporate controlled media are in full swing to keep America's attention on anything other than the fact that they're already small paychecks are getting even smaller. Not to mention the fact that gas prices spiked up twenty-nine cents per gallon this morning to boot. It's Republicans that have engineered the situation that we're in right now, and the thing is, most businesses are supposedly owned by Republicans. How do they expect to make any money when the average American no longer has any discretionary spending money?

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