Monday, January 28, 2013

Sticks And Stones...And Other Hard Things

     Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

     That's a saying I grew up hearing all the time. It's a saying I took to heart and feel I'm a better person for it. I learned to develop a "thick skin" and not let what people might say to me have any real meaning. My parents taught me this. I can remember coming home and telling my mom that someone at school had been calling me names and taunting me. She told me that saying and that was the end of it. My parents didn't fly out to the school in an hysterical rage demanding that children be expelled from school, or that new rules be implemented to "reduce bullying".
     There weren't congressional hearings to determine if bullying is a national problem or not. Classmates who got picked on didn't commit suicide or go home and get a gun and shoot people in the school randomly. If you got teased, you taunted back, you got in a shoving match on the playground, or you just let it go and went on with your life.

     It seems like today kids have just gotten too "thin skinned". Anytime they get teased or bullied it's a horrifying crime that needs to be trumpeted on the evening news. The next time your child comes home and says they've been bullied at school...tell them sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you, and if they get beaten with sticks and stones, tell them to fight back for GOD's sake!

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