Friday, January 04, 2013

Idiots Tweet And Vlog Their Way Into Court!

     How sick can some people of the younger generation be these days? Apparently sick enough and stupid enough to not only be aware of an under-age girl being gang-raped, and possibly being a participant of said tragedy, but to publish tweets and videos of yourself laughing about the event! LINK to the story on MailOnline. I'm so disgusted, I'm not going to go into any details of what goes on in this story out of Steubenville, OH. Suffice it to say that several young men, one in particular, Michael Nodianos, joke and laugh about a 16 year old girl who is "nearby" in an unconscious state being raped. Nodianos makes several jokes in an extract of a 12 minute long video, describing her as, "a dead girl", and comparing her to victims of famous crimes like Treyvon Martin and Caylee Anthony.

     It's not like things like this haven't been happening for decades, because unfortunately they have. I just find it mind-boggling that the young idiots in this story feel comfortable publishing their heinous comments on the internet. I hope that the young man in this video gets everything ten times over in jail that he seems to think is so funny happening to a 16 year old girl. 

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