Last night, I had nothing to do and started looking up at a set of shelves in my living room where I keep books that have had specail meaning to me. I started going through them, and pulled down one of my favorite Hardy Boys mysteries from my childhood. I started reading and find myself now on chapter 5. I think there were about 53 of the original Hardy Boys books written, I've got about twenty of them. I've always wanted to collect all the originals, and when I say "originals", I'm talking about the hardcover editions published in the mid-60's.
Every once in awhile I'll find some of them being sold, usually at flea markets. It's been awhile since I've actively looked for any. I think it's about time I get serious and try to get the rest of them. I'm even going to read them...they're actually very well written and I still find them enjoyable today.
I remember reading Hardy Boys all the time! Two of my favorites were While the Clock Ticked, and The Disappearing Floor. I read many others, but those are the ones I remember most. :D
Ebay is a good resource, I have finished several book collections at a reasonable price.
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