Thursday, August 17, 2006

biazrre "monster" found in Maine...

Here is a story this morning on comcast, that shows why we rarely find out about strange things that exist in this world!

I'm hoping some intrepid reporter type will follow up on this and try and contact some of the people mentioned in the story that took pictures of the creature before vultures were allowed to pick it clean. How many times over the years have there been similar stories...something strange and unusual is found dead, people in authority never want to come and examine the body, it's then destroyed by nature or residents burn it fearing that it's somehow "evil".

I for one, whole-heartedly believe that there are still hundreds, if not thousands of creatures on this planet that we have yet to identify. As a race, we humans are insufferably smug in the belief that "we've seen it all, catalogued it all...there's nothing out there that we don't know about." Believe me, there's plenty out there we don't know about...and new creatures and plants are being born into this world every day. A little thing called evolution doesn't just come along when it's convenient you know!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It's a conspiracy! The government wants to keep us ignorant.