Saturday, December 29, 2012

Prepare To Take A Swan Dive!

     Thanks to politics as usual, it looks as if the economy is going over the fiscal cliff with weights tied to it's ankles! I've been reading the news daily over  the past couple of weeks, and it's been the same story day after day. Republicans claim the Democrats will have to save the economy, knowing full well they'll block any attempt at passing something. Democrats saying that Republicans are sitting back and doing nothing to stop an inevitable calamity.

     Both parties are to blame for where we're at right now, and it's the system that keeps anything substantial from being done to fix it. The problem is all those politicians afraid to do anything because they're too worried they won't be re-elected if enough of their constituents aren't happy with them. I don't think anyone is going to be happy if we end up in a double-dip recession! Is this going to be what it takes to start a revolution in this country in which heads will be put up on spikes? Don't think it couldn't happen here, it has before. What do you think encouraged those colonists a couple hundred years ago to overthrow their "rightful" government and form a new country?!

     This could end up being our "winter of discontent" in which the American people finally have had enough and rise up in open revolt against the Federal government. The problem is, it's exceedingly unlikely that we'd end up with anything better than we have at the moment. Look at some of the nations around the world the last few years that have over-turned their governments, I don't see any of them becoming stable, peaceful countries that you'd want to go vacationing in!

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