Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'm Done With Conspiricies

     Over the years, I've been accused of supporting many popular conspiracy theories, and it's true. I don't exactly go around wearing a tin foil hat on my head, but I've been close. While I still believe that "most" conspiracy theories have at least some level of truth to them at their core, I'm going to state right now that I'm more than willing to drop many of those long-held beliefs so that we can have a better world to live in.

     My wife works at a health clinic and I've been in the unemployment system now for about a year, as a user, not an employee, and between both points of view I think I can definitely say that there are way more than a fair share of people who are working diligently to "game the system." I guess I was naive, thinking that most people are honest and trustworthy. Apparently they aren't! I've been shocked at how many people are routinely using false identities, or just putting down false information on forms so that they can receive more benefits or receive extra prescriptions of controlled medications. I always thought that these people were just a small minority of the public, but they are in fact a large portion of them.

     My wife was telling me today about a woman who has put down the "wrong names" repeatedly on forms she has to fill out the last couple of times she's been in to be seen. It's painfully obvious that she's doing this to confuse the system and receive more care/drugs, probably just the drugs though. We need to stop depending on people to tell the truth and just scan the RFID chip implanted in their forearm. End of problem, no more gaming the system, or at the very least, this would make it harder to game the system.

     I am now in favor of having retinal scans, DNA identification, chips implanted underneath the skin. RFID chips in smartphones, and other everyday products. We should have a requirement for national ID cards and every citizen should have to carry them with them and be able to show them when required, whether that's for voting, purchasing medications or a host of other things that we do on a daily basis and take for granted.

     I'm also, after the recent Connecticut elementary school shooting, more than willing to support a strong gun legislation that will remove many guns from the hands of people who don't need them. HERE'S A LINK to a  related story in which an 11 year old brought a gun to school, fearing that something like what happened in Newton could happen to his school. Thankfully no one was hurt, but the child claimed that his parents gave him the gun to take to school. Whether or not that's true, the child still had access to the gun and wound up bringing it, proving that there are too many people out there with guns and ammunition who have no real sense of responsibility! I personally am done quoting the 2nd amendment and would like to see a sweeping ban on both assault rifles and handguns. I will gladly open my doors to the authorities to prove that I don't own any myself.

     Now is the time for us to quit acting like individuals and start acting like a society. A group of people with a common goal, to be able to lead safe and happy lives and to do so in an adult way that saves money and lives for the common good of all.

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