Sunday, December 02, 2012

Playing Chicken With The Economy...

LINK to the story

That's certainly what it seems is happening right now, President Obama and the GOP are playing chicken with the economy, seeing which one of them is willing to flinch first and jump away from the fiscal cliff! Both parties, (i.e. Democrats & Republicans), need to be seriously discussing what to do about the looming fiscal cliff, or they're going to be arguing with each other as we all go cascading over it to wind up in a messy pile at the bottom.

The problem is, I tend to agree with the President that it's the GOP that needs to buckle since the Republicans have fared so badly in the last election and they're only trying to protect their wealthy backers from paying more in taxes. You know, those same wealthy backers like the owners of Hostess who just sacked 19,000 U.S. employees because they didn't want to give them better benefits and wage increases, although they saw nothing wrong with giving themselves huge bonuses. The GOP and "big business", who, let's face it, are the GOP, need to remember that the backbone of this country are the lower and middle classes, and if you don't have a firm, healthy backbone, you don't have anything!

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