Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Curiosity discovers ancient streambed on Mars!

Well, it seems the Mars rover, Curiosity, has already started turning up new finds on Mars. NASA has announced today that the rover has discovered an ancient streambed that definitely would have been filled with flowing water that was anywhere from ankle deep to hip deep. The mission specialists say that the worn, rounded appearance of the stones in the streambed indicate that the stones were moved and rounded by flowing water that had to have lasted for years consistently. So this is not just a case of a small amount of melted water from time to time.

Curiosity is on it's way to an area near the edge of the crater it is in to do it's science thing, but the scientists at NASA say that this find is like "insurance" that they're going to find evidence of hospitable conditions on Mars for life at one time!

Here's a LINK to the original story at Astrobiology Magazine.

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