Monday, September 17, 2012

Revolution...not exactly

Revolution...a "new" show from NBC. It doesn't make much sense, and is trying to put itself forward as something different and "revolutionary". It's just another crappy TV show in the vein of Lost. The world is suddenly deprived of power through some mysterious (i.e. magical) event. Even gasoline engines stop working, and we're expected to accept that fact with a simple explanation of, "...physics just went crazy, it didn't make any sense, and still doesn't!"

Yeah, it just doesn't make sense to viewers either. All I can figure is this show is a mouthpiece for the Republican party, wanting to scare Americans into thinking that something is going to happen soon that's going to take away our civilization, and that we'll be safer if they take care of us. I didn't have too high a hope for this show when I first saw trailers for it, and I doubt that I'll bother with even watching a second episode. If I want to watch a crappy network show with the same old plots we've been watching for decades, I'll just go to Hulu and watch one of the hundreds of others that have come before this one. Why watch a bad copy when I can watch an original bad show!

Additional Review After Seeing The Rest Of The Show...

OMG!  I didn't think it could get any worse! I was so wrong. This show was made by someone who has no idea how to put together a coherent plot! And at the end of the show, this chick pulls out another "Magic USB flash drive" like the one the main character has. It magically makes power come back on for her so that she can turn on her computer and chat with some mysterious person over their "secret internet"! I'd go on and on about how bad Revolution is, but my head hurts much too badly to keep this up! I can guarantee you that I will never, ever watch another episode of Revolution, it doesn't deserve my time, and it doesn't deserve yours either!

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