Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Who...for our next president?

I've been very critical of the Bush administration over the last seven years, and for good reason. I've also been critical of the Republican party, mostly because of the Bush administration, and perhaps that's not such a good reason.

I know for a fact that I do not want to see Hillary Clinton become President of the united States, not because she is a woman, but because she isn't the "right woman". Hillary Clinton as President would be a huge mistake. I've been promoting Barak Obama as a good candidate for our next president, but I sometimes wonder as others do, does he have the experience to be a good president?

On the Republican side, I used to like John McCain years ago, but thought in recent years that he was coming off as fake. Perhaps I was just letting my judgment be colored by my views on George W. Bush. I hate it when I hear McCain talk about being in Iraq for years to come...but he's probably right. We, (America) have made a huge mess in Iraq, and it would be a morally reprehensible act to leave it in the state we've created through the Bush Administration's inept handling. Senator McCain, being a military veteran himself would likely have a good perspective on the kinds of things that need to be done in Iraq to stabilize it, and eventually, get American troops reduced there to the point that they would once again govern themselves.

Certainly, the Democrats who have controlled both the Senate and the House for the past year and a half haven't shown any ability to improve the situation at home or abroad. So who says that a Democrat in the Oval office would be any kind of improvement?! Between now and May when Indiana will hold it's primary, I've got some thinking to do, and a lot of research to do before I decide which way my vote will go. I'm hoping that others around the country also will take a long look at what will steer this nation back onto course.

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