Have you heard about the power outage problem in Queens NY? It seems they want us to believe that some 80,000 people have been without power for a week, and will remain without power for another half a week at least, all due to a series of combined bad luck and unexplainable events.
I find that hard to believe. According to the latest news from CNN, "The problem began with failures on a series of feeder cables, circuits that carry 27,000 volts and power entire neighborhoods".
Now I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe that that many seperate lines, that each had back-ups, by the way that failed also...all failed at once and for no apparent reason. I believe that Queens NY has been the victim of a terrorist attack. Not all terrorist attacks are going to be huge planes being slammed into high rise buildings. And I garauntee you that the government will never admit to us being victimized by new attacks. After all that would make it appear that our governments efforts to "protect us from terrorism", aren't working.
I've noticed alot of strange things that have appeared in the news over the last few years that are given a quick white-washing, or just simply disappear altogether. It makes you wonder what could be happening around the country that we'll never know about, simply because it would make for bad publicity for an administration that is struggling to keep it's head above water!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Ahh! Saturday!
Well, if you don't like the weather in (insert STATE here), wait five minutes and it will change!
Thankfully, the heat has subsided at least for awhile and today was blessedly wonderful, just the right amount of sunshine leaking down between big puffy cumulous clouds, and a cool breeze to boot. I enjoyed my lunch today at work as I often do sitting in my vehicle in the parking lot, windows down to enjoy the weather. That's probably why I'm in a much better mood today than I have been in awhile. Tomorrow promises to be the same as well, if the forecaster's aren't pulling our collective leg that is.
My moods have always been very affected by the weather...winter is always very tough for me especially. I'm one of those people who need sunshine to keep me going. I remember one winter a few years ago when we set a record of 45 consecutive days without seeing the sun...I remember feeling so bad I was beginning to wonder if I'd eventually become suicidal! Luckily I made it through to a sunrise. Which makes it all the more strange when you consider that my wife hates the sunshine and feels best on a foggy or rainy day. I guess us being opposites helps to make things work for us. So for now, I'll enjoy the beautiful weather and worry about cloudy days another time!
Thankfully, the heat has subsided at least for awhile and today was blessedly wonderful, just the right amount of sunshine leaking down between big puffy cumulous clouds, and a cool breeze to boot. I enjoyed my lunch today at work as I often do sitting in my vehicle in the parking lot, windows down to enjoy the weather. That's probably why I'm in a much better mood today than I have been in awhile. Tomorrow promises to be the same as well, if the forecaster's aren't pulling our collective leg that is.
My moods have always been very affected by the weather...winter is always very tough for me especially. I'm one of those people who need sunshine to keep me going. I remember one winter a few years ago when we set a record of 45 consecutive days without seeing the sun...I remember feeling so bad I was beginning to wonder if I'd eventually become suicidal! Luckily I made it through to a sunrise. Which makes it all the more strange when you consider that my wife hates the sunshine and feels best on a foggy or rainy day. I guess us being opposites helps to make things work for us. So for now, I'll enjoy the beautiful weather and worry about cloudy days another time!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
It's a sad world :(
Well, I've had to turn off comments...50% of the comments being left in this blog are nothing more than links to gambling sites and such. It would have been nice to have been able to get some feedback from anyone who visits my blog site and wished to say something...but frankly I won't allow people to keep using my site to spread spam!
It's a sad world when people have nothing better to do than surf around to peoples' sites and leave spam links. I guess I should have expected as much. Live and learn. Frankly I'm mostly doing this as a way to vent about the world anyway, and I can do that with or without comments being posted.
It's a sad world when people have nothing better to do than surf around to peoples' sites and leave spam links. I guess I should have expected as much. Live and learn. Frankly I'm mostly doing this as a way to vent about the world anyway, and I can do that with or without comments being posted.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
July 19,06

I don't know why, but I feel like 'crap' today! Which is a terrible thing seeing as how Thursday and Friday are my weekend. Today was the last day of the work-week for me, and I'd much rather be enjoying my time. I can't say the week was particularly rough either, just another five days down.
Above is an image I created recently for a contest at a 3-D modeling forum I'm a member of. The theme of the contest was to create a sci-fi container that could hold something of a dangerous or toxic nature. I didn't win, but just participating in the contest helped me to hone my skills. I was planning to make my posts much more interesting (don't we always!), but it's kind of hard to do that when you feel like somebody has flushed you down the toilet. I'll come back tomorrow with something a little more interesting...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Let's get the party started!

Ok, totally new to this blogging thing...yeah, I know, I'm waaay behind the times here. LOL! I had a regular website for several years (one I rarely updated) and recently got rid of it. It was one of those free geocities websites, don't bother with them anymore...it may be an ok hosting site if you're paying for it, but they're really cracking down on the free sites.
I decided it was time to try this blogging phenomenon, and found that I'd registered here about six months ago! Totally forgot about it, so here I am, trying this out to see what it's like. I'm a 42 year old environmental controls engineer with a strong interest in 3-D modeling. To the right there you can see a recent image I created using my app, Truespace 5.2 Truespace is a semi-professional 3-D modeling package I purchased a couple of years ago and have been slowly learning. If you'd like to see more of my work (until I get it posted here), here's a link to some of my work that I've uploaded to photobucket. Photobucket/Forcemaster2000
I work 40 hours a week at my boring, inane job. So I only get to do my modeling on the weekends and evenings that I'm not too burned out! If I were younger, I'd probably go back to school and get a degree in computer graphic modeling, but I'm sorry to say that boat has already left the dock! I was born just a little too much before the computer revolution really got into full swing. Hell, I remember being in college as a freshman and being all excited about messing around with a Texas Instruments TI-99 home computer at a retail store...if you don't remember that computer, it was little more than a up-jumped calculator!
Well, I guess that's enough for now...I'll try and get back here on a regular basis and update this thing with what's going on, and maybe post some more of my 3-D work. Everybody have a great day and I'll text at ya later!
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