Saturday, February 02, 2013

No Skeets Were Killed In The Making Of This...

For the last few days, it seems like you can't go to any news website without seeing something about how President Obama is anti-gun. That he's going to take everyone's guns away and curtail all American's "right to bear arms".

Saturday morning, White House Senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer tweeted out a picture of President Obama shooting skeet. Apparently in a recent interview, the President stated that he does indeed shoot guns, that he shoots skeet often at Camp David.

Now a skeptical public is wondering why we've never heard of President Obama partaking in the sport of skeet shooting before. Maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't. The fact is they probably have file photos of every sitting president for every possible occasion. I'm sure there are photos of the President kissing a baby, shaking hands with a veteran, posing with an openly gay person...etc. etc.

The fact is, President Obama has been taking a hailstorm of bad press over his need to do something to satisfy the public outcry from the Sandy Hook shooting, and now the White House is trying to spin out a little damage control to repair the holes in the sails!

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