Friday, March 11, 2011

Digital Broadcast Television SUCKS!

Digital broadcast television was touted to us as the best thing since sliced bread! It was going to revolutionize how and what we watch on television. The reality though, has proven to be much, much different. I am sitting here in my living room right now, and the television signal that I get these days is so poor, that it is nearly unwatchable! The signal drops every ten seconds or so leaving me with a smeared picture and hiccuping sound, and I should point out that I live less than ten miles from the cluster of television transmitters where I live.

We got rid of our cable subscription several months ago due to outrageous pricing and a diminishing channel line-up. I remember rarely ever having a complaint about broadcast television signals back in the days of analog signals. Now with digital television, it seems like every time the wind blows, or it's raining, the picture quality goes down the toilet. It's like putting up with Dish Network! I want analog television back, I'm sick of this digital crap that we got shoved down our throats while being told that it was "good for us".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could not agree with you more.