Sunday, February 28, 2010

So tired of winter!

I am so tired of winter! I'm usually a bit of an indoor person who doesn't need much "getting out" to make me feel better, but even I'm experiencing the winter blahs right now. I've got a serious case of cabin fever and wish I could just run outside right now in shirt-sleeves and do something outdoors. Maybe it's because we've got the new house and I haven't really been able to do anything outside yet, particularly in our privacy fenced backyard.

That snow and cold is definitely not conducive to me wanting to go outside and enjoy the backyard! I'm not fifteen years old anymore, (by a long stretch!), and don't enjoy frolicking in the wet and cold anymore. After the past couple months of weather, I'd be happy just to have a day with the temperature in the mid-fifties and some sunshine.

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