I'd been wanting to see the movie Wall-E for awhile now. I missed it in the theaters, and have yet to see it. A lot of the reason for that is that we don't rent DVD's anymore, or buy them for that matter. What's the point in buying something that you might watch once, then never watch again? What I wanted to do was rent a movie download over the internet, but lately, that hasn't been too easy.
My favorite site for renting and downloading movies was MovieLink. Unfortunately it was bought out by Blockbuster, and although they claim to have incorporated it as it was, it's just not the same. Blockbuster has a pathetic lineup of movies available for download and they're just not worth it. My next choice I looked into was Netflix. I really don't want to deal with another monthly subscription though, and apparently you can't actually download movies to watch later, you have to watch them as streaming movies, and I really don't like that. So, I googled for any other choices out there and what showed up in the search? Cinemanow! I'd been a registered member there way back in 2005 and 2006, but frankly, I didn't even know they were still around. I went there and sure enough, they were still running, not only that, they've got a surprisingly big library of hit movies including a lot of new releases that have just recently come out.
I wanted to rent Wall-E, and sure enough they had it available for download, unlike Blockbuster who only had it available as a rent-by-mail item. I needed to be logged in though and figured I'd have to re-register. I took a chance though and tried to sign-in with what I was pretty sure used to be my username and password. Lo and behold it logged me in and still had my user history intact! I couldn't believe it, I hadn't even rented from there since July of 2006! I rented Wall-E and tried to start downloading it and found out that I needed to have some software installed called media-manager. So I started installing it and unfortunately it tried downloading the movie as soon as it thought media-manager was installed even though it hadn't finished yet. Long story shortened, it messed up the download and Cinemanow thought that I'd successfully downloaded it and wouldn't let me re-download it.
At this point, I was a little irked since I'd already paid my $3.99 for the movie. My only options were to either forget it and quit, or call Cinmeanow's customer service number. Now, I've had a lot of bad experiences with customer service phone calls in the past, so I wasn't looking forward to that option. I decided to try it anyway. Wow! Was I ever surprised. My call was answered in under one minute by a courteous, English speaking American citizen. I don't remember her name, (and I wish I did), but within a couple of minutes she had my account brought up and walked me through everything without any problems whatsoever. She wound up giving me a promotional code for a free rental so that I could re-download the movie. This was the best customer service I believe I've ever received over the phone. I told her so and she said that I'd made her night!
So I want to give a big shout out about Cinemanow and anyone reading this should go register and rent a few movies from them. A great website like that should get plenty of traffic that way they won't go the way of the dinosaur and leave us with nothing but a couple of ugly, lame sites for renting movies!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Chrysler readying for bankruptsy?
MSNBC is reporting that according to a New York Times report, the Treasury Department is readying to file bankruptcy for Chrysler. Now, aren't we all glad about those billions of dollars that were given" to Chrysler so that bankruptcy wouldn't be necessary?! Gee, maybe they should have just been left alone to file bankruptcy in the first place, and save we taxpayers a few billion dollars.
Antarctic ice increasing, not melting away....
I've been hearing this now for the past month, the Antarctic is not melting away, it's actually increasing in size. Those behind the global warming agenda have been skewing the numbers to convince people that global warming is the direst threat ever to face mankind. Well, the numbers just don't add up. Check out this STORY at Information Liberation.
Hopefully the truth will find it's way into the mainstream consciousness so that we'll stop reacting to these doomsayers, and start being pro-active.
Hopefully the truth will find it's way into the mainstream consciousness so that we'll stop reacting to these doomsayers, and start being pro-active.
Animal intelligence
This is something I've believed in for years, but mainstream media and scientists have refused to accede to the realities set in front of them. There has been evidence for years that animals are much more intelligent than we've been led to believe. I found this very interesting article on the subject earlier today at Information Liberation
I think many people refuse to see animals as intelligent because it opens a whole host of questions that "the bible" can't adequately answer.
I think many people refuse to see animals as intelligent because it opens a whole host of questions that "the bible" can't adequately answer.
Turn off the News;
I just did the best thing I could to alleviate stress and make my life better...I turned off the news. Why listen to it. It's just a bunch of propaganda being spewed out based on what the corporations and the government want us to believe. Global warming, who to be afraid of today, weather that can't be predicted more than 12 hours in advance....it's all just a bunch of hooey. That's right, I said hooey!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pepsi Throwback

I'm sitting here in the living room watching Primeval on the Sci-fi channel and enjoying a 20 ounce bottle of Pepsi Throwback. Haven't heard of Pepsi Throwback yet? Pepsi is "temporarily" making some of their classic products like Pepsi and Mountain Dew with the classic formulas from the 60's and 70's that made them famous. Basically speaking, they've taken out the HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) that we've been forced to use as a sweetener in just about everything for the past 30 plus years and gone back to using natural sugar as the sweetener.
I can definitely say it has a "crisper" taste to it than I'm used to, and that's a good thing! It doesn't taste as "syrupy" as I've come to expect Pepsi to taste. Unfortunately this is only supposed to last for a few months, unless maybe enough people cry out that this is so much better, Pepsi will be forced to shelve the old corn syrup and keep giving us the good stuff!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
It's Easter Sunday, and TV sucks! It doesn't even really matter that it's Easter, TV sucks all the time anymore. Why? For as long as there has been television programming, and movies, why does TV have to keep re-showing the same crap all the time? Why have I been seeing the same twenty or thirty movies being played over and over and over and over again! My GOD! How many times do they have to replay Batman Begins? How many times do they have to have a Battlestar Galactica marathon?
The real problem is that there are only a few wealthy people/organizations that own the rights to too much of the media for the last 50 years or so. There might be 150 channels out there, but 99% of them don't have any "rights" to show some of the great things that have been produced over the years. So we get stuck with the same few things they do have the "right" to show, and sucky reality TV programming.
In my opinion, the whole concept of copyright needs to be re-thought. I think the copyrights to anything, should last no longer than twenty years. Once you create something, you get the exclusive rights to it for twenty years, then after that, it's fair game. After all, twenty years gives plenty of time for a whole new generation to come along, and for the most part, they're not going to care about what was created by the generation before them anyway. Just because a new medium comes along and someones work gets transcribed to it, does that automatically mean they should be entitled to make people pay for it all over again just to see it on the newest device? I think not.
I hate to think about the fact that I've had to buy the original Star Wars movies on just about every medium they've come out on. VHS, DVD, digital, etc. etc. If I've bought them once, shouldn't that give me the right to see them from then on in whatever format they're in? I mean, it's not like the content changes...well, in the case of the Star Wars movies, I guess the content does change since George Lucas can't seem to leave well enough alone, but you get my point, right?
Thursday, April 09, 2009
A new face for an old tactic!
The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Georgia has found a way to put a new face on an old tactic, one that can be sinister in it's uses and I find it highly offensive. Doug Strachan, Creative Innovations Manager for the City of Atlanta Department of Aviation has re-written three classic R&B songs with new lyrics that utilize subliminal persuasion to encourage visitors to the airport to "clean it", and to visit their concession and souvenir shops. Although subliminal persuasion is around us all the time thanks to a world that worships marketing, it just seems wrong that everyone involved in this should seem so happy about this endeavor. Here is a LINK to the actual story at CNN
Monday, April 06, 2009
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