Thursday, January 03, 2008

First blog of the new year...

Well, it's January 3rd and I'm finally getting around to posting the first blog of the new year. Brrrrrrr! When I woke up this morning about two hours ago, it was a whopping 4 degrees outside! That's farenheight here in the states. I can't stand it when it gets this cold out. The house starts making all these weird popping, snapping noises as the framework starts expanding/contracting, and I've got to leave a stream of water running in the bathroom sink to keep the water line from freezing.

Thankfully this is only supposed to be a short-term freezing snap. By the end of the weekend it's supposed to be back up into the upper 40's. I'm off work the next couple of days and wanted to take that time to go see "I am legend", but with temps like this outside, I'd rather just stay in and try to keep warm!

Started out the new year a little rough at work with "cold weather" related problems to deal with, but that's nothing new. I do maintenance on a large retail building and you get used to this sort of thing after as many years in the field as I've got. I work with a great crew, which makes it all the more easier. I'm not the kind of person who makes New Year's resolutions, but I guess you could say that this year I have set a "goal" for myself to achieve...I've set myself a goal of paying one of my credit cards down to a balance of less than a thousand dollars. If I can do that, I'll have put myself back into a financial setting that keeps me out of trouble. I think that's do-able, so I'm going to see if I can stick with this one!

I hope everyone out there is starting their new year off right, keep trying and don't throw in the towel, there's always tomorrow!

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