Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why aren't we impeaching Bush?

In the news today, former Secretary of State, and four-star general, Colin Powell has sent a letter to Senator John McCain stating that he is against any changes to common article III of the Geneva Convention. Changes wanted by President Bush so that they can torture detainees without having to call it torture...and so that they can prosecute them without having to provide evidence to the defense, and so that coerced testimony can be used.

Do you get the feeling that President Bush doesn't feel he has a real case against the 400+ detainees we are now holding? Why else would he need to use torture, coerced testimony... and keep evidence against them, "secret"? The question I have to ask myself is...why aren't we impeaching Bush by this time? He has proven himself one of the most imcompetent, amoral presidents of our countries history. He has used fear and hatred as the basis for almost everything he's done in office since 9/11. Nearly 3,000 Americans have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than died in the 9/11 attacks, and those are just the American one really knows how many innocent Iraqi's have died since the beginning of the war.

How can we stomach having a President in office who has lied time and time again, and yes, he has been proven to have lied multiple times. He neither apologizes for those lies, or gives any reason for them other than the fact that if he'd been truthful, the American public would never have gone along with what he's wanted to get his way. Former Presidnet Bill Clinton was nearly impeached for nothing more than an indiscretion with Monica can we allow Bush to get away with everything that he has over the past five years and we haven't even called him to account?

So far the "War on Terror", has cost this country $469 BILLION! And that figure is expected to bloat to at least $1 TRILLION before we could possibly get out of Iraq. President Bush is bankrupting this country, and we will be paying the price for this over the next several decades. It's time for the American people to stand up and say, "enough is enough Mr. Bush, we will take no more of this!"

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