Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What We Need Is A Little Common Sense

Original Story Here

Why is it that there are so many people in this country that seem to WANT voter fraud? I have yet to hear a valid argument for why citizens of this country shouldn't have to provide a photo I.D. before casting a vote. If you don't have to prove who you are, then anyone can vote whether they are a citizen of this country, and can vote as many times as they like.

The NAACP, Civil Liberties Union and other organizations always spout the same arguments. Having to show a photo ID to vote is targeting minorities, the young and the old to keep them from voting. What is stopping any minority (who is a legal citizen of the US), or a young person, who is over the age of 18, or an elderly person from obtaining a state-issued photo ID? Nothing. I carry a photo ID with me every single time I leave the house, even if I'm just taking my daily walk for exercise. Everyone should, it's just common sense and good practice.

There are "elements" in this country that want to disrupt the system and cause anarchy, because it makes them money and gives them power. It's up to all of us to take that power away from them with the power of common sense, something that is sorely lacking in our world today!

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