Friday, November 25, 2011
The Turkey Has Left The Building...
Well, it's another turkey-day come and gone. We had a really nice one, I hope you did too. This was the first real Thanksgiving meal we had in our new home. My parents came up and my wife's sister and her nephew came over. Just a small gathering, but we pretty much filled up our small home for the first time. My wife cooked a great turkey, my mom brought up her famous "meatballs", and my son and his fiance made a delicious pumpkin pie from scratch. All in all it was a great day.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Have you heard of SOPA yet?
If you haven't heard of SOPA yet, let me elucidate. SOPA stands for "Stop Online Piracy Act", and is legislation our congressional leaders (HA!) are thinking of passing. Stopping online piracy doesn't sound like such a bad thing, does it? Well, actually it is, the way this legislation would work anyway. Basically, SOPA would make it a felony to use someone else's copyrighted material in any way. Here's one way this scenario could go...
Imagine Grandma is watching her young granddaughter one day, she's 10. One of her favorite singers is Lady GaGa. She's playing "Edge of Glory" and starts lip-syncing to it. Grandma whips out her Iphone and starts recording her precious grandchild. She thinks the video is so cute, she decides to upload it to Youtube so that all her friends in her knitting circle can see it. The next day, Lady GaGa's record label, Interscope Records, catches wind of this video. Since they're the copyright holder for that song, they can have Youtube blacklisted so that no one can go there until the video is taken down, Grandma will be arrested and if convicted, spend 5 years in a state prison for the heinous crime of being proud of her 10 year old grandchild singing a Lady GaGa song!
Yes, this is the kind of legislation that our congress, (who can't even stop bickering long enough to give a crap about how our country is going to HELL) is thinking of making into a law. Let's make anyone who wants to sing a song or act out a scene from their favorite movie into a felon and lock them up for 5 years! After all, we don't have enough people in this country behind bars yet.
Imagine Grandma is watching her young granddaughter one day, she's 10. One of her favorite singers is Lady GaGa. She's playing "Edge of Glory" and starts lip-syncing to it. Grandma whips out her Iphone and starts recording her precious grandchild. She thinks the video is so cute, she decides to upload it to Youtube so that all her friends in her knitting circle can see it. The next day, Lady GaGa's record label, Interscope Records, catches wind of this video. Since they're the copyright holder for that song, they can have Youtube blacklisted so that no one can go there until the video is taken down, Grandma will be arrested and if convicted, spend 5 years in a state prison for the heinous crime of being proud of her 10 year old grandchild singing a Lady GaGa song!
Yes, this is the kind of legislation that our congress, (who can't even stop bickering long enough to give a crap about how our country is going to HELL) is thinking of making into a law. Let's make anyone who wants to sing a song or act out a scene from their favorite movie into a felon and lock them up for 5 years! After all, we don't have enough people in this country behind bars yet.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Door, now available on Amazon for your Kindle device!
If you like short story fiction in the vein of Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone", you may like my new book just published on the Amazon Kindle Store called "The Door". At only 99cents it's a bargain!
The book includes 3 short stories and a poem. The first story is "All About Family", which I've actually written at least 3 times! The first time, at least 10 or more years ago. I've loved this story from the beginning, (which is probably why I've re-written it again and again). The second story is called "That Old Black Magic", and is the shortest of the 3. I wrote it just a week ago for an online contest, but it wasn't supposed to be longer than 600 words. It came out at around 847 and I just couldn't make myself chop it up to try and force it into fewer words. That's when I decided to finish the third story, "The Door", which I've been working on for a year or so off and on and put all 3 stories into a book for the Kindle.
I also pre-faced the book with a poem I'd written probably about 5 years ago, since I didn't know what else to do with it :-)
Monday, November 07, 2011
Trash or historical treasures?
I love this. NASA is apparently worried that someday there will be "moon tourists" who will take pieces of NASA equipment left behind on the moon as souvenirs. According to this article at USA Today, NASA has set out "guidlines" on how a NASA landing site may be approached.
I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, and the way international law seems to work, I would think that what NASA left behind on the moon, and any other planetary body would be considered "salvage". Basically, they left "trash" literally strewn across the surface of the moon. It's my opinion that anyone who makes it back there, should have the right to do whatever they want to with it, since it was "abandoned" by it's owners. Apparently though NASA believes they still have a right to ownership of things they've left unattended on the moon since the early 1970's, like the lunar rover for instance. I'm sorry, but if I left a dune buggy sitting on the shore of a lake somewhere here in America for nearly 40 years, I doubt I'd be allowed to still claim ownership of it!
I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, and the way international law seems to work, I would think that what NASA left behind on the moon, and any other planetary body would be considered "salvage". Basically, they left "trash" literally strewn across the surface of the moon. It's my opinion that anyone who makes it back there, should have the right to do whatever they want to with it, since it was "abandoned" by it's owners. Apparently though NASA believes they still have a right to ownership of things they've left unattended on the moon since the early 1970's, like the lunar rover for instance. I'm sorry, but if I left a dune buggy sitting on the shore of a lake somewhere here in America for nearly 40 years, I doubt I'd be allowed to still claim ownership of it!
Sunday, November 06, 2011
GNC drugs out Santa
It seems like old Saint Nick isn't jolly because he's full of good cheer and Christmas spirit, it's because he's full of drugs from GNC! Make sure you let the kids see this the next time you're in the mall.

posted from Bloggeroid
Santa Claus
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