Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Something people need to think about…

It seems like lately, a lot of people, and organizations are coming down hard on the secret sharing website “wikileaks”, and it’s creator Julian Assange. (apologies if I’ve gotten his name wrong).

A lot of this is coming on the heels of wikileaks publishing 250,000+ cables which have a lot to do with U.S. embassies from around the world. What people need to think about is, it’s not like wikileaks stole these cables and published them, people who work within the U.S. government have uploaded these cables to wikileaks, feeling apparently that there are things in these missives that needs to be made public. The same goes for everything else on wikileaks. All of it was put there by someone in that government’s or corporation’s organization because they feel that the public needs to have access to these documents.

Wikileaks is simply making themselves a conduit through which the world can access these documents. If documents are being made public which could genuinely cause someone harm (who doesn’t deserve it), the government or corporation involved should be looking towards their own employees to stop these leaks rather than blaming Wikileaks and trying to shut them down.

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