I just got back home from driving my son and his girlfriend to her house to drop her off. On the way back home, I was heading East on Main street and saw a bike-rider to my right. He was standing up on the pedals right at the edge of the road, whipping his front wheel back and forth trying to stay upright while not moving forward. I kept thinking to myself, "what's this idiot up to?" "Is he going to suddenly lunge in front of me, or go off in some other direction. As I came up on the intersection, he finally headed towards me right on the edge of the sidewalk. I was finally satisfied he wasn't going to throw himself in front of my car and turned my head back to where I was going...the traffic light had turned RED! I was just entering the intersection at about twenty-five miles per hour. There was no way to stop in time, although I did hit my brakes as I went through the light.
Thank GOD there wasn't anyone traveling the other direction, and there weren't any cops around. When I got home I told my wife what happened, and of course she gave me that look that said, "Why do I let him out of the house?" I don't think I did anything wrong by watching a bike-rider who was capering around suspiciously on the edge of the road, but then again, maybe I really don't need to drive anymore either.
I used to enjoy getting in the car and going somewhere, not anymore. It seems like nothing but an exercise in stress and futility...I can't remember the last time I enjoyed driving somewhere. I wrecked our car while on vacation back in 2005, I had two wrecks on the scooter this year, maybe I'd be better off if I just let my license expire in 2009 and just stop driving altogether!