Monday, November 20, 2006

What are Democrats thinking??

Well, we voted in a Democratically controlled Congress and Senate, showing the nation that indeed the American people are unhappy with the direction of the country, and that we don't want our sons and daughters dying in the Middle-East. Our Democratic leaders aren't even in power yet though and what are we hearing from them, talk of bringing back a draft...a draft that would target men and women between the ages of 18 and 42! For GOD'S sake, what are these people thinking!!??

Do they really think that a country that has said in poll after poll that we DO NOT WANT A WAR, that we'll just sit still and calmly accept a draft...a draft that would not only tear children from their parents, but possibly parents from their children? While by the time this draft could be enacted, I would be outside the proposed age limits, my wife would not, and my son will be turning 17 in just six months. No power on GOD'S green earth will send either my wife, or my son to a foreign country to die for George Bush's folly!! The United States government can go to HELL before I'll let that happen. The leaders of this country had better start listening to the will of the people in this country, or we're going to have to resort to extreme measures to make sure that the government of this country is indeed representative of the peoples' will.

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