Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Still working…and getting places!
I’m still working at my 3-D and I’m actually getting places. I’ve managed to install an external render engine and rendered out my kitchen scene with it to a much more realistic looking tune. Although it did take an hour and twelve minutes to render this 640x480 scene! I’ll probably only be doing renders with this engine, called Yafaray, when I can start it before going to bed for the night.
I did forget to place a texture on the door of the oven, so I’m fixing that and making a few other tweaks to the scene before I render it out as a full size pic which may end up taking ten or twelve hours to render! When I do, I’ll place a link to it here in case anyone would like to download it.Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Working on my 3-D again…
I’ve been working on my 3-D skills again. My son has thrown down the gauntlet by getting much better at “his” 3-D skills, so I’ve had to get back into action so as not to be shown up. Below is a kitchen scene I’ve been working on, following an online tutorial. I’d forgotten how soothing it can be to work for hours straight on this kind of stuff. If I can keep up with this, I’ll post updates as the work continues…
Monday, March 08, 2010
Why doesn’t the government want us to go to the moon?
From the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s, man traveled to the moon as a temporary visitor. We then stopped going to the moon, claiming that it was a dead ball of dirt with nothing more of consequence to discover.

Jump to 2010…we now know (for a fact) that the moon has “large quantities” of frozen water on it. Making a permanent manned base on the moon not only feasible, but cost effective. President George W. Bush, a man I have nothing but loathing for, called for America to return to the moon and build a permanent base back in about 2004. I thought this nothing more than political rhetoric to drum up votes in Florida, which it may have been, but, it started a push involving billions of dollars to make this happen by 2020, just ten years from now.
So why, now that we know for a fact that there’s plentiful water on the moon that can used for fuel, drinking, oxygen supplies and many other things that would make a moon base self-sustaining, is our government now pulling the plug on plans to return to the moon and instead focusing on traveling to Mars and beyond, “IN THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE”, emphasis on “future”.
Even IF our government was serious about traveling to Mars next, and I don’t believe they are, it would make so much more sense to already have a manned moon base where a mission to Mars could be launched from much more efficiently. There have long been rumors labeled as “conspiracy theories” that when we traveled to the moon before, evidence was found of either extra-terrestrials, or some pre-human civilization that left evidence on the moon of their existence. Has some group in our government put a stop to the return of man to the moon so that we can be kept in the dark about these rumors longer still?Saturday, March 06, 2010
A Breath of Spring!
Today we finally got a taste of Spring, which should only be around the next corner! I don’t know what the official temperature got to today, but at work it reached 50 degrees, and I was working on the roof in nothing more than shirt sleeves. It was blessedly sunny too, and I thanked GOD as I walked across the roof for such a wonderful day.
Tomorrow there’s a chance of rain, but the temperatures should stay mild, so I won’t complain too much. Most of the snow around here is gone or going. It’s still early March though, and in Indiana it’s not unprecedented to see snow as late as Easter! Hopefully though we’re through with the white stuff and warmer days are ahead for us.