I came down with some sort of flu about a week ago, and I'm still not feeling right. I've missed 3 days of work and can't miss anymore, so I'll be going to work tomorrow whether I feel like it or not. I pity anyone who has to come into contact with me in case I'm still infectious. My wife has been sick with it also for most of that time. My son has lucked out and not gotten it, but somehow we infected his girlfriend...I feel bad about that 8^(
I don't know if it's the swine flu or not, but I'm still not going to see a doctor. I'd rather my body fight it and build up a natural resistance. That's the problem today, too many people fall for the line that they've got to get immunized for protection, that's why so many viruses and other "bad" things are becoming drug-resistant. Our bodies own defenses are the best immunity we have, and unfortunately it's got to be "tested" every once in awhile or it can't put up a good enough fight!
Now, I'm not saying there isn't a need for immunizations, there is. The young and the old in particular need help with their bodies defenses. Your average, generally healthy person though doesn't really need immunization boosters, GOD and evolution has given our bodies the ability to develop immunity on our own.