Monday, November 22, 2010

Enjoying my new laptop

I’ve recently decided to upgrade from my netbook (which I’ve been using for two years now), to a Dell Inspiron 1545.  While I still love my netbook, and will be keeping it, I have to admit that it’s getting harder and harder on my eyes trying to look at the much smaller screen.  Dragging around this Inspiron with a 15” widescreen though is much more labor intensive. The bigger, Truelife screen is great though, I’m able to do more on this without my glasses than I could with the netbook. 


I’d still recommend a netbook for on-the-go computing, but if you need something other than a desktop for your everyday computing needs, a larger screen and more processing power is the best way to go.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting older is going to suck!

My wife and I were just arguing. Somehow, one channel, and only one channel on our television turned into a small box in the center of the screen. My wife wasn't sure if it was already that way, or if somehow she'd done it with the remote. I made the mistake of going in and trying to "fix" it. Somehow, between the television remote and the cable box remote, I managed to turn everything into a weird, small aspect and couldn't figure out how to get it back.

About that time, our son and his girlfriend came downstairs on their way to their evening college classes and I asked my son to try and figure out what I'd screwed up. He eventually got everything back to the way it was before I "fixed" it, with just the one channel looking weird. When my son left is when my wife and I started arguing. She was upset because she said I made us look like "old people" who didn't know how to work the remote. We argued for a little bit, then I left the room.

That was when it hit me and I couldn't stop laughing. I went back and told her that I am the old man who can't work the remote, and that she's the old woman who's so afraid of the remote, that she'd rather sit there and watch the TV even though it's all weird and screwed up! She didn't think it was funny or insightful, and so I left the room and put this up on the internet for the world to read...she's gonna love me for this one!

Friday, November 05, 2010


I've finally managed to make my first "slipgate" in Minecraft! It took forever, and once I finally got it finished, it only took me about two minutes to die in the the "Nether"! I lost a crap-ton of stuff in there too, so I kept re-spawning and going back in trying to get it back. I had pig-men attacking me and killing me, fire killing me and about the sixth or seventh time of going back in there were at least five "Ghasts" hanging around the area shooting fireballs at me! I did eventually get most of my stuff back, though certainly not all of it. I'm going to have to stay away from the Nether now for a few "game days" and hope that things will quiet down on the other side of the gate so that I'll eventually be able to go back.

Damn! I love Minecraft! LOL